Your Massachusetts Motorcycle Permit & License
Q: Do I need a motorcycle permit BEFORE I take the Basic Rider Course (BRC)?
A: No. You can take the BRC without a permit. However, the RMV will mail you a motorcycle license after completing the BRC if you have a permit. You have the choice of getting a permit before the BRC or up to 90 days after the BRC ​for them to send you a motorcycle license.
​In summary, the faster you get your permit the faster you get your license.
To better understand the process of getting your motorcycle permit and then your motorcycle licensed mailed to you after the course (without having to go to the RMV for a road-test), read below.
Pick your status is one of the two scenarios below and follow the specific instructions based on which scenario applies to you.
Scenario 1 --> I do not have an MA Motorcycle Permit yet
Scenario 2 --> I have an MA Motorcycle Permit
Scenario 1 --> I do not have an MA Motorcycle Permit yet.
As of March 26, 2018, when you change anything on your MA license (which includes getting a motorcycle permit) you are required to do two things:
Create your RMV Online Profile
Prove lawful presence in Massachusetts
How to create your RMV Online Profile:
You will need to create your RMV Online Profile and Prove Lawful Presence BEFORE you go to the RMV to get your motorcycle permit.
It’s wicked easy to create your Online Profile go to:
https://atlas-myrmv.massdot.state.ma.us/myrmv/_/ and click ACCESS MY PROFILE and following the prompts. Your Online Profile will let you know if you owe any fees or taxes and you will need to pay them to the RMV before they give you a motorcycle license. If you have any outstanding issues with the RMV (i.e. tickets, taxes, child support, etc.) the system will inform you right away so you will know what you need to do to be in good standing with the RMV. Most outstanding issues can be paid on the RMV website. There is no need to let us know your status.
Once you have completed your RMV profile you will need to PROVE LAWFUL PRESENCE. This is done by going back to the same page and scroll to the bottom and find the link that says PROVE LAWFUL PRESENCE. Follow the prompts on the questionnaire.
Next, you will need to go to the RMV and get your Motorcycle Permit. Visit any MA RMV and ask to take the Motorcycle Permit Test. You do NOT need an appointment and the fee is $30. Most people pass the test the first time. However, if you would like to study, you should read the MA Motorcycle Drivers Manual. You can download the manuals from the link below.
Motorcycle Manual
While at the RMV, you should also "pre-pay" for the Motorcycle Endorsement (fee is $15). The Motorcycle Endorsement is the letter "M" that will be placed on your license to show you are a licensed motorcyclist. By pre-paying before you take the Motorcycle Safety Course, the RMV will be able to mail you the new motorcycle license within 15 days of completing the course.
If you have your permit, please bring it to your scheduled class and we will update your Online RMV Profile to reflect that you successfully complete the course and the RMV will mail you a new MA Driver’s License with the “M” Motorcycle endorsement within 15 days of completing the course.
Scenario 2 --> I have an MA Motorcycle Permit.
You have already created your Online Profile and most likely paid any fees or taxes owed. However, you should check your RMV Online Profile to make sure that you do not owe any additional taxes or fees. Your Online Profile will let you know if you owe any fees or taxes and you will need to pay them to the RMV before they give you a motorcycle license. If you have any outstanding issues with the RMV (i.e. tickets, taxes, child support, etc.) the system will inform you right away so you will know what you need to do to be in good standing with the RMV. Most outstanding issues can be paid on the RMV website. There is no need to let us know your status.
If you have your permit, please bring it to your scheduled class and we will update your Online RMV Profile to reflect that you successfully complete the course. 48 hours after completing the course please log back into your RMV online profile you should notice a fee for the motorcycle endorsement you are about to receive. Once paid the RMV will mail you a new MA Driver’s License with the “M” Motorcycle endorsement within 15 days
How do I get my motorcycle license if I pass the course?
If you successfully complete the BRC or BRC2 Rider Course, have a valid Massachusetts motorcycle permit at the time, and your permit does not expire for at least 15 business days following the course completion date, you'll qualify for licensing through the course with no further testing at the registry! You will NOT have to go to the RMV and take a Road Test if you pass the course.
Do I need a permit to take the class?
You are allowed to take the class with or without your permit. However, if you do have your permit prior to taking (and passing) the class, you can be exempt from having to take the registry's road test to receive your motorcycle license. That also saves you $20 in RMV fees.
Do I need a permit in order to register for the class?
No. You can register online for a class without having a motorcycle permit. However, as stated in the above question you are advised to obtain a permit before you ARRIVE at your scheduled class.
Should I be nervous about taking the RMV's written motorcycle permit test?
Not at all. The RMV wants to ensure that you know the basic rules of the road. They count on us to teach you motorcycle safety. Most of the questions on the exam are taken from the RMV Motorcycle Manual.
If I have a Rhode Island or New Hampshire drivers license, can I take the Training Wheels BRC in Massachusetts to get my motorcycle license?
If you have a Rhode Island or New Hampshire drivers license you can take the Training Wheels Basic Rider Course (BRC) in Massachusetts and receive your RI or NH motorcycle license. RI & NH are "reciprocal" states and they honor the Training Wheels BRC if taken at any of our six locations in Massachusetts. After you successfully complete the BRC you will be provided with a confirmation certificate that you can bring to your DMV and receive your Rhode Island or New Hampshire motorcycle license.